21524 downloadable podcasts!

Frequently Asked Questions

<strong>I have downloaded an episode, but I don't know how to open it?</strong>

All episodes are packed into a ZIP or RAR file. A ZIP/RAR file is basically like a suitcase, all the songs are packed into a suitcase, now all we need to do is unpack the suitcase. To do this, you need to have a program called WinRAR. You can download WinRAR completely free, here:

Once you have installed WinRAR, simply right click on the episode you have downloaded, and select “Extract Here”, and that’s it! You will now see a folder with the same name as the ZIP/RAR file, with your podcast inside.

Each ZIP/RAR file contains an mp3 file (or multiple mp3 files if it’s a special episode, A State Of Trance Episode 500 XXL for example) and a text document, which contains the tracklist for that episode.

Note: 99% of the podcasts are packed into a ZIP file, and Windows already has it’s own software to unpack ZIP files. You can unpack these ZIP files using the same method above, by simply right clicking the downloaded file and pressing “Extract All”. The remaining podcasts are packed into a RAR format, simply because these are large files (Over 3GB) which is too large to be packed into a ZIP file.

<strong>I can't download an episode/A link isn't working.</strong>

Please [usernoise_link]contact me[/usernoise_link] and tell us what link(s) you are having problems with. We will check them and re-upload them as soon as we can. Thanks.

<strong>I can't extract a file, it says it has a CRC Error, what do I do?</strong>

Please [usernoise_link]contact me[/usernoise_link] and tell us what link(s) you are having problems with. We will check them and re-upload them as soon as we can. Thanks.

More questions will be added as they get asked.

Have a question? [usernoise_link]Get in touch![/usernoise_link]

Latest Podcasts

A State Of Trance