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Privacy Policy

1) Who I Am

Welcome to Trance Podcasts. My name is Mike, from London UK, and I am the founder, and sole owner of www.trancepodcasts.com. I created this website back in 2012 (then www.astateoftrance.co.uk) with the aim of creating a hub for the Trance Family to discover Trance music, and the artists that produce and create the music.

Your privacy is something that I take very seriously at www.trancepodcasts.com. This Privacy Policy has been created to outline exactly what information is collected on this website, and how it is used.

Most importantly, whilst some data is collected here on www.trancepodcasts.com, your information will never be sold or rented to third parties. Your information will also never be disclosed, unless with your express permission.

www.trancepodcasts.com will not share personally identifiable information with advertisers. All information you provide is held in strict confidence. If required to do so by law enforcement, or if I suspect any illegal activity, I may share your information with the proper authorities.

2) Types of information collected

Google Analytics

When someone visits www.trancepodcasts.com, we use a third party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.

Personal Information

In order to download anything from this website, an account is required. When creating an account, the following information is collected:

  1. Username

    The Username is required as a unique identity for yourself, in order to log in to this website.

  2. Email Address

    An Email Address is required to verify your intention to register on this site by sending a verification link by email at registration, as well as allowing you to reset your password should you wish to change it, or if you have forgotten it.

  3. IP Address

    The IP Address is collected to facilitate with the compliance of Section 2 of the sites Terms & Conditions “Any users found creating multiple accounts will have their subsequent accounts terminated.”

Download Statistics

All podcast downloads are logged. The information collected is used to facilitate compliance of Section 2 of the sites Terms & Conditions “Any users found creating multiple accounts will have their subsequent accounts terminated.” The following download statistics are logged:

  1. Package Name
  2. Download Date & Time
  3. Username
  4. IP Address
  5. Browser
  6. Operating System

No further personal information is collected from this site.

3) Access to your personal information

You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that I hold. Visit GDPR for more information.

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